
What makes a work-life balance?

What makes a work-life balance?

This month we are going to talk about balance – work/life balance, a balanced diet, etc. – but first, I want to dispel a HUGE MYTH. Here it is: When you take on something new – or ramp up to reach a big goal – sometimes you have to throw the idea of “balance” out the...

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Will Exercise Reduce Blood Sugar?

Will Exercise Reduce Blood Sugar?

This is a must-read for your health! We hear so much about high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, etc. that it can be tempting to tune it out. Here are some stats that might catch your attention: 96 million adults over the age of 18 in the US have prediabetes...

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What is the best snack after gym?

What is the best snack after gym?

I’ve got an updated version of an old-school recipe that is PERFECT for your post-workout snack… or any time you’re craving a salty-sweet snack to fill you up! It’s packed with protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin D, antioxidants, and, depending on your ingredients, it...

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How Can I Make My Skin Health?

How Can I Make My Skin Health?

This month we’re taking a deep dive into some unexpected ways fitness can play a role in your health and wellness. Today I’ve got a hot topic for you… your skin! Fun fact: in 2021, the global skincare market was estimated to be worth over $130 billion a year  There...

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I can I increase my mood instantly?

I can I increase my mood instantly?

Ever wish you had an easy button that you could press to instantly boost your mood? What if I told you that button exists, and it's within your reach right now? Say hello to your new best friend – Exercise! Exercise isn't just for fitness. It's an all-natural mood...

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How can I improve my bone health?

How can I improve my bone health?

I just came across some info that I thought I should share with you. Did you know that one in two women and up to one in four men will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis?!!! Not only that but HALF of all adults age 50 and older are at risk of breaking...

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What choices do we make in life?

What choices do we make in life?

For a lot of us, today marks the end of summer and the beginning of a fresh new season. I’ve got some inspiration for you to make it great. Let’s talk about CHOICES. Specifically ONE choice . What if tomorrow morning, you woke up and chose to live the best version of...

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