I have a GREAT TIP for you to help you streamline your schedule. It’s one of my “musts” when I feel like my to-do list is overflowing. But here’s my favorite payoff: If you try it for 1-2 weeks, you’ll notice you have MORE FREE TIME for your non-negotiables (workouts,...
Want Results Tomorrow?
Are you working really hard and doing everything "right'? But still not getting where you want to be? Then this email is for you! Are you frustrated? You may be doing everything just right but it's stuff you are already good at- leg day-you smash it every time core...
What should I eat?
I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet because this recipe is AMAZING and I don’t want to waste time getting into it. But know this: not only is it tasty, but it’s also perfect for meal prep. Just fill up a few mason jars ahead of time, store them in the fridge,...
Does this work? Change your thoughts, change your life?
There’s ONE thing you can change that has a surprising impact on your health, mood, and pretty much everything you do! It isn’t a workout and it doesn’t involve overhauling your diet. It’s your thoughts — and they’re super important because you have thousands and...
Is Sugar Safe to eat?
This sugar stat caught me by surprise… and I thought I already knew a LOT about sugar. Eating just 100 calories a day of sugar (which is about 25 grams of added sugars, or 6 teaspoons) is linked to 45 DIFFERENT negative health outcomes. Here’s a quick rundown of how...
What about Food? Before and During the Diet
Let’s say you decide it’s time to finally (re)start a healthy lifestyle, so you pick a date to begin. You’ve got it all planned out: You’ll work out, eat better, drink more water, go to bed early, and do all the things. And before the big day gets here, you make sure...
Is moderate drinking okay?
I’ve got a good news/bad news situation for you today. Let’s rip off the bandaid and get the bad news out of the way first. Despite what we’ve been told for years, it turns out that moderate drinking isn’t doing your health and fitness any favors. Those 1-2 “happy...
What can make it difficult to achieve a goal?
This month we are all about making your healthy lifestyle EASIER … And one big way to do that is to get rid of the things that are blocking you from your goals. I’ve got a quick list of 6 things you can stop doing now … so you can start getting results NOW! Ready?...
Is it possible to take control of your life?
Here's a fact that could change your life... A little background first: I can’t even count how many of my clients first come to me telling me they are STUCK. They WANT to feel healthier, more energized, confident… … and in some cases, they’ve spent years HOPING,...